Monday, April 11, 2011

Akshara's leads

"My inspiration is whatever I consider pretty. Blues and Greens are my favorite because their calming atmosphere help me create my unique styles"
 This is Alex Albach, she sews, crochets, and knits her own clothes. She has been into making her own clothes ever since she was little and made clothes for her dolls. Giver her a needle and thread and in no time she can whip up a beautiful scarf that will hug you when you wear it.  
When Alex Albach was in 3rd grade her mother picked her up, put Alex in her lap and turned on the sewing machine and started teaching her how to sew. "My first thing I made was a shapeless pillow with stuffing peeping out of the seams" She laughed and picked up the pillow. Her mother wanted to pass down her sewing skills to Alex because of her creative imagination as a child.
The needle stitches the two strips of fabric together, the scissors snip the last piece of thread and finally Alex Albach has finished with her latest master piece. The dress she just finished is a dark green silk with purple bordering. It flows elegantly to the ground as she holds in gently in her hand.


  1. "shes being into making" grammar.... i am telling Mr. Scaccia

    none of them want me to keep reading, but this isn't a magazine that i would read

  2. Your first lead feels like something the would be in the body of the feature.

    Your second lead is great- great description of the scene. With a little grammar work it should be fine.

    I can see where you're going with your third lead, but it isn't really capturing the moment in full, at least it seems.
